Employee Resources
Fire Sprinkler Cost Codes:
3 – Sprinkler Labor
5 – Sprinkler Material
7 – Sprinkler Fabrication
9 – Sprinkler Delivery
17 – Drive Time Labor
Mechanical Cost Codes:
2 – Mechanical Labor
4 – Mechanical Material
6 – Mechanical Fabrication
8 – Mechanical Delivery
17 – Drive Time Labor
201 – Mech UG Sanitary Labor
202 – Mech AG Sanitary Labor
203 – Mech UG Storm Labor
204 – Mech AG Storm Labor
205 – Mech Dom Water Labor
206 – Mech Dom Water Main Labor
207 – Mech Condensate Pipe Labor
208 – Mech Air Comp Pipe Labor
209 – Mech In Floor Heat Labor
210 – Mech Heat Pump Pipe Labor
211 – Mech Fixture Labor
212 – Mech Eqpt Labor
213 – Mech Hydronic Labor
214 – Mech Flush Test Labor
401 – Mech US Sanitary Material
402 – Mech AG Sanitary Material
403 – Mech UG Storm Material
404 – Mech AG Storm Material
405 – Mech Dom Water Material
406 – Mech Dom Water Main Material
407 – Mech Condensate Pipe Material
408 – Mech Air Comp Pipe Material
409 – Mech In Floor Heat Material
410 – Mech Heat Pump Pipe Material
411 – Mech Fixtures Material
412 – Mech Eqpt Material
413 – Mech Hydronic Material
601 – Mech UG Sanitary Fab
602 – Mech AG Sanitary Fab
603 – Mech UG Storm Fab
604 – Mech AG Storm Fab
605 – Mech Dom Water Fab
606 – Mech Dom Water Main Fab
607 – Mech Condensate Pipe Fab
608 – Mech Air Comp Pipe Fab
609 – Mech In Floor Heat Feb
610 – Mech Heat Pump Pipe Fab
611 – Mech Fixture Fab
612 – Mech Eqpt Fab
613 – Mech Hydronic Fab
614 – Mech Flush Test Fab
801 – Mech UG Sanitary Delivery
802 – Mech AG Sanitary Delivery
803 – Mech UG Storm Delivery
804 – Mech AG Storm Delivery
805 – Mech Dom Water Delivery
806 – Mech Dom Water Main Delivery
807 – Mech Condensate Pipe Delivery
808 – Mech Air Comp Pipe Delivery
809 – Mech In Floor Heat Delivery
810 – Mech Heat Pump Pipe Delivery
811 – Mech Fixture Delivery
812 – Mech Eqpt Delivery
813 – Mech Hydronic Delivery
814 – Mech Flush Test Delivery
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Jobsite Accident / Incident Report & Investigation Form Instructions
** The treatment of the injured employee takes priority above all else. **
If an employee is injured while at a job site, working in the shop, or in transit the following steps shall be taken:
1. Treatment
a. MINOR INJURY: If the injury is minor and can be cared for onsite; administer the minor first aid required, with the assistance of coworkers as needed, then fill out the accident report form and turn in a copy to the property owner or Management Company and the original to the office by the end of the day.
b. NON-TRAUMATIC INJURY: If the injury requires medical attention and is non-traumatic; first have a coworker transport you to a minor medical facility if available or to an emergency room for treatment. Injured employees shall not drive themselves to the treatment facility. The coworker that transports you should begin filling out the accident form and notify the office as soon as practical. Notification of this will be relayed to the property owner or Management Company from our office.
c. TRAUMATIC INJURY: If the injury is traumatic call 911 and follow their instruction until they arrive on site. Never leave the injured person alone for any reason. Once EMS arrives and your assistance is no longer required, contact the office to report what happened. Next, begin filling out the accident report, gathering witness names, contact information, and a statement of what happened. Assist the property owner or management company in any investigation they are doing and request a copy of their investigation for our records as well.
2. Reporting
- a. ACCIDENT – An incident in which someone is injured
- 1. Report needs to be filled out completely and as soon as possible to avoid missing witness’ names or other important information. Be sure to be detail oriented when filling out this report. The information you place on this report could aid in preventing such an occurrence from taking place in the future. All accident / incident reports shall be turned into the office by the end of the day or when practical in extreme emergencies. If questioned, this report will be made available to the owner or property manager upon request. These reports should always be kept in all company vehicles. If you find that these reports are missing from a vehicle, it is your responsibility to request copies from the office and ensure they are placed in the vehicle. Refer to Policy NMS303 Worker’s Compensation Insurance in the Employee Handbook for information regarding information on worker’s compensation.
- 1. This form needs to be filled out and signed by the injured party as soon as reasonable. It is required to be sent to the insurance company along with the First Report.
- 1. Give this report to the office staff for completion using the information you provide on the Accident/Incident Report. It is required to be filled out and returned to the insurance company within 7 days of the incident.
- 1. Office staff will handle the process of all drug tests
- 1. During an incident in which no one is injured but a show of a safety hazard or hazardous practice has occurred that could have resulted in an injury it is every employee’s responsibility to report it. Fill out the same report as an accident. Please be detailed in your summary of the incident so that an accident may be prevented from occurring in the future.
i. Accident / Incident Report
ii. Employee’s Choice or Change of Doctor
iii. First Report of Alleged Occupational Injury or Illness
iv. A Drug test may take place as soon as practical after any accident
b. CLOSE CALL – An incident in which no one is injured
i. Complete the Accident / Incident Report
3. Review
- a. Accident/Incident Investigation Report
i. Return Report to front office. The Safety Committee will review the Accident/Incident Report and make any determination based upon the rules and guidelines of the Safety Program
** Anytime you are unsure of what to do, please call the office immediately **
Accident-Incident Report
Complete this form anytime there is an accident, incident or near miss. Use every opportunity as a learning experience to benefit everyone.